Kaal Sarp Dosh
Nivaran Pooja
Pandit Rishikesh Guruji
Pandit Rishikesh Guruji can carry out any and all Trimbakeshwar poojas because he has been there for more than 15 years. Guruji is most well-known for performing kaal sarp dosh nivaran puja for improved outcomes.
Panditji are educated and able to communicate in English, Hindi, and Marathi. You can call guruji and request free Kundali check so guruji can direct you about which puja to be performed and how.
First, with the assistance of Panditji, choose the best Muhurat for the appropriate puja. Next, make reservations for the appropriate train and hotel. Guruji will instruct you on what to wear and bring to puja.

Authorized Pandit

Free Kundali Check

Separate Pooja
How To Perform Kaal Sarp Dosh Puja?
- Check Your Kundali and Check type of kaal Sarp dosh you have.
- Puja will be preformed at Ashram, Trimbakeshwar.
- Check best muhurt to perform puja & book train
- Kalsarp puja performed in 3 hours
- For Men wear Dhoti Gamcha or Kurta Paijama
- For Women Saree or Punjabi Dress
- Take Darshan of Trimbakeshwar Bholenaath at early morning and come to puja location
- Avoid Black and Green Cloths
- Avoid Smoking, Dirking alcohol, Non Veg Food before and after 15 days of puja
Pooja And Vidhi’s

Clients Testimonials
It was a nice experience. Panditji is a very polite and humble person. He also explained the effect of each task performed with the background story. puja completed without any rush. recommended.

It was a great experience with them, Pandit Ji is very humble and polite and will tell you each and every gist of pooja and the results will be positive after that because they do not rush and explain everything.

Religious authentic persons who performed pooja for us in vidhi than way Now I just pray Trimbakeshwar that this pooja becomes a success in our life and wishes are fulfilled.

Very cooperative. Panditji Organized pooja very well. All arrangement was made by panditji only. He explained everything while doing pooja. Very good experience.

Trimbakeshwar Puja
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Trimbakeshwar, Nashik
Maharashtra, India

Email us

+91 7666287421